Museum Service Sample


The Know-it-all.

As you are taking a student tour group around, a teacher contradicts or adds comments each time you talk about a display. Do you say or do anything?

Manners and Decorum.

You are conducting a tour when a teenage girl's cell phone rings for the fourth time. She does not seem to care that she is distracting to the rest of your visitors. What do you say or do?

Common Situations.

A guest is complaining there was too much noise to hear the tour guide. No one else has complained about the noise from the group. She is awaiting your reply. What do you say to this woman?

Pushy Patrons.

A large group made an appointment for noon. Because a previous group ran late, you have asked these visitors to wait just a few extra minutes while the tour guide prepares. The leader of the group has just told his group to get started. What do you say or do?

Policies and Security.

You see a teenager off by himself handling some display equipment with a prominent "Do Not Touch" sign attached. What do you say or do?

Meeting Needs.

A child wets her pants and her mother is very angry because we do not have public rest rooms. What do you say or do?