Medical Imaging Sample



A patient just finished an MRI session. Her father wants to know why you will not have the radiologist give him the results, within the next ten minutes. How do you respond?

Patient Complaints.

A young girl needed to have her arm x-rayed. She was howling in pain the entire time and her mother says we need to learn how to treat patients with care. How do you handle this complaint?

Patient Care.

A young woman is in alone. She is scheduled to have an MRI completed, as her doctor is trying to confirm a diagnosis of cancer. She looks worried and lonely. Do you say or do anything?

Standard Policies.

You look out to the waiting room and see a child eating some candy. He was scheduled for a test and the doctor forbade eating anything for until after the test. What do you say or do?

Insurance Issues.

A woman is on the phone and is complaining that her insurance company will not cover our service in full. You see her doctor clearly noted she insisted on a second mammogram. What do you say?

Family Stress.

A patient’s son is asking you every question under the sun. You sense that he is worried. Unfortunately, you are busy and people are waiting for your assistance. What do you tell this concerned man?