Hospital General-Mixed Staff Service Sample


Related Issues.

You see a man wearing a neck brace, who claims he has been hurt in a traffic accident. The problem is that you have seen this man about a year before making the same claim. What, if anything do you do?

Difficult Situations.

A man is complaining that the patient in the next room is moaning loudly, and he finds it disturbing and difficult to relax. What do you say or do?

Patient Motives.

Name one reason patients dislike interacting with administrative health care professionals.

Standard Policies.

How do you insure that you do not give out account information to unauthorized individuals?

Patient Education.

A gentleman is on the phone complaining that it is silly to bill him and his insurance company more than 25 cents for a plastic bandage. What do you say to answer this man’s complaint?

Office Issues.

A person is on the phone and is complaining that her insurance company will not cover a test that was performed. You see that her physician clearly noted the test was at her insistence. What do you say?