You are working as a cashier on a payday and the store is busy. While ringing up a credit card purchase, the phone lines go dead. You cannot complete your authorization. What do you say to the customer and what do you do?
A young boy wants his money back for a milkshake drink. He is complaining that the drink was runny and not at all like a milkshake. Questioning him further, you discover that he didn't follow the directions, and forgot to shake the drink carton before opening it. What do you do, and say to, this customer?
It's a busy Saturday and a person is attempting to pay for some beer and cigarettes. You suspect that one of the bills is a counterfeit. What do you do now?
You have a buy-one-get-one-free offer on a new product being advertised. A customer is asking you to sell her just one of the items at half price. Do you do as she has asked?
Does a nearly full parking lot, at your store, generally encourage potential customers to stop or to keep driving?
Is it acceptable to bend a store policy for a friend or well-known customer?