Apparel Accessories Service Sample


Knowing the Market.

How much do movies and fashion magazines affect our business, and why is this so?

Standard Policies.

A woman asks if we will honor any competitor’s sale price. How do you answer?

Maintaining an Image.

You hear a young woman constantly complaining to her companion about our selection and prices. If you are not mistaken, you think this woman works for a competing store. Her complaints are loud enough for nearly every customer to hear. What you should you say or do as she continues to rant?

Service and Deadlines.

The store will closing in approximately 10 minutes. One woman in particular has a pile of costume jewelry and hats, and is trying to mix and match sets together. At the rate she's going, it will take a half-hour to decide what she will buy. What will you say or do, and when?

Who is Our Customer?

Two young women are out in front of the store protesting that some of our products are made of leather. What if anything should be said or done concerning their protests?

Tactful or Inaction.

A woman who fancies herself as a paragon of fashion approaches. It would be an understatement to say that she uses too much perfume. She reeks. As your eyes water, you notice other customers in the area are heading for the exits. What you say or do as this woman leisurely browses some jewelry?